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Save 19% on Left, Right, and Straight Aviation Snips Set (3-Pack)
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Left, Right, and Straight Aviation Snips Set (3-Pack)

Get up to 10 times more cuts than cast blades with these Milwaukee aviation snips. They feature a bolt lock to ensure the blades don't loosen and they're highly durable with chrome-plated protection against rust. A metal lock secures them when not in use and they can be operated with one hand. This set includes straight, left and right aviation snips.
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Get up to 10 times more cuts than cast blades with these Milwaukee aviation snips. They feature a bolt lock to ensure the blades don't loosen and they're highly durable with chrome-plated protection against rust. A metal lock secures them when not in use and they can be operated with one hand. This set includes straight, left and right aviation snips.