The map f that associates to a point s ∈ S − ∆the class of the Hodge structure of Hk(X s)inD/Γis called the period map. It is a map with quite special properties; in particular, it is holomorphic, …
In mathematics, in the field of algebraic geometry, the period mapping relates families of Kähler manifolds to families of Hodge structures. Let f : X → B be a holomorphic submersive …
This up-to-date introduction to Griffiths' theory of period maps and period domains focusses on algebraic, group-theoretic and differential geometric aspects.
This up-to-date introduction to Griffiths’ theory of period maps and period domains focusses on algebraic, group-theoretic and differential geometric aspects.
period matrix and introduced period maps and period domains which reflect how the complex structure for higher dimensional varieties varies. The basic theory as developed by Griffiths is …
Dec 20, 2019 · The singularities of period mappings are described by the Schmid nilpotent orbit theorem, which, when $ S = \overline{S} \setminus \{ 0 \} $ is a curve with a deleted point, …
We shall be able to understand, in terms of specific and historically important examples, the notions of Hodge structure, period map, and period domain. We begin with elliptic curves, …
ω(z)dz. Every such 1-form can be thought of as a local map X → C, well-defined up to an additive constant. 4. Periods. By integrating along loops any 1-form gives a map π1(X) → C …
We survey recent developments in Hodge theory which are closely tied to families of CY varieties, including Mumford-Tate groups and boundary components, as well as limits of normal func …
Aug 11, 2017 · Period mappings, or equivalently variations of Hodge structure, have been used both to study families of algebraic varieties and as a subject in its own right. Among the …