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Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (IOTWMS …
The ‘quiet’ period in-between tsunami events accumulates seismic stress that will one day be released as a potentially tsunamigenic earthquake. Since the earthquake-cycle process can take hundreds of years, it also widens the gap of awareness between those people living at the present time and those who will come later.
Medium-term strategy: Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation …
Contents General: Improve accuracy of earthquake location and size by making available all present and future seismic data collected by national and internationally coordinated networks (such as CTBTO, IRIS, FDSN). Coordinate and share information on the development of analysis techniques. Timely access for tsunami warning centres to all ...
Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (PTWS) Strategy
This ensures full and open access, to tsunami-relevant observational data, analysis, advisory, and warning information, operational techniques, procedures, and technologies, and best practices.
Disaster preparedness and mitigation: UNESCO's role
Failure to impose building codes and use known earthquake-resistant techniques mean that buildings collapse and kill people even in relatively low-level tremors. Destroying nature's natural defences such as wetlands and coastal swamps leaves people at the mercy of tropical storms.
Working together to mitigate earthquake-related risks in South …
Sep 17, 2013 · Such a workshop is taking place this week in Kathmandu (Nepal), bringing together over 70 scientists and experts in earthquake risk reduction to discuss a regional cooperation in seismology and earthquake engineering in South and Central Asia, with an emphasis in strong motion monitoring and seismology.
Global Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation Programme - UNESCO
Global Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation Programme Coordinated by IOC-UNESCO, the Global Tsunami Warning System plays a critical role in protecting lives. The IOC-UNESCO Tsunami Programme supports Member States in assessing tsunami risk, implementing Tsunami Early Warning Systems (EWS) and in educating communities at risk about preparedness ...
Assessment and mitigation of earthquake risk in the Arab region
Assessment and mitigation of earthquake risk in the Arab region . Collation. 251 p., illus., maps
Guidelines for earthquake resistant non-engineered construction
For this, we must mobilise scientific knowledge and technological know-how to as- sess natural hazards, to develop tools to support decision-making and to strengthen disaster preparedness and mitigation measures.
APELL for earthquake risk: a community-based approach for
How the APELL process can be used Community awareness and participation are important elements of earthquake mitigation. The APELL process is a community-based approach developed to support this type of action.