Blue Gatorade for Increasing Milk Supply – Does it Help?
May 12, 2024 · The recommendation to drink Blue Gatorade for increasing milk supply is a popular one that floods mommy groups everywhere. But does it actually work? Here are my thoughts!
What is the Deal with the Blue Gatorade? — Genuine Lactation
Jan 29, 2020 · The reason mothers perceive these drinks like Blue Gatorade to work is that they can help address one reason behind a decreased milk supply - if that reason is dehydration. Most moms have an adequate milk supply, but almost every mom that doesn’t have an oversupply questions their supply.
Can Blue Gatorade Increase Milk Supply? I Tried it & Here’s My …
Feb 24, 2022 · There is some evidence that suggests drinking blue Gatorade can increase milk supply while breastfeeding. However, more research is needed in order to make a definitive conclusion. I drank blue Gatorade for a week straight and noticed that my milk supply seemed to be slightly improved.
Blue Gatorade and breast milk promotion/increase
I heard from my Doula and OB that there is a myth that blue gatorade helps promote and increase breast milk. my OB said she drank it a lot for breast milk and it did wonders for her. But again she is just sharing as it could be different for a lot of women.
Can Blue Gatorade Increase Milk Supply?
Oct 1, 2015 · There’s no evidence that Gatorade of any flavor increases supply. Some moms have reported online that it helped, but we see just as many moms that see no change. Those …
Does Blue Gatorade Help Increase Milk Supply?
Although Blue Gatorade is recommend a lot as a way to boost milk supply, there is just no real basis for these drinks to help improve milk production. The main ways that Blue Gatorade likely helps is by keeping you hydrated, and through the Placebo effect.
why BLUE gatorade to increase milk supply? - BabyCenter
i've read a few post about helping boost supply that suggest BLUE gatorade. does it have to be blue? is there something special about the blue other than…
9 Foods to Increase Milk Supply - motherrisingbirth.com
Nov 8, 2016 · Is it the blue dye that helps women make more milk or the high sugar content? Maybe it’s the electrolytes? I asked a local lactation consultant about blue gatorade and she quickly dismissed this myth.
Gatorade as a way to increase milk supply? Let's think about it!
Nov 14, 2017 · There is no evidence showing any relationship between Gatorade — green, or any other color — and increased milk supply. Zero, zip, none, nada, neiente, nil. So if you’re spreading this nonsense, cut it out! Instead, help the mother to …
Is Blue Gatorade Safe for Breastfeeding Hydration? Find Out Here
Apr 1, 2023 · Blue Gatorade can be a good choice for hydration while breastfeeding, as it contains electrolytes that can help replenish fluids in your body. However, it is important to note that Gatorade also contains added sugars and artificial ingredients.