Data retention laws must not serve as shield for online abusers or a means of ensuring impunity. While new forms of data ...
While digital anonymity offers a multitude of opportunities for individuals, it also leads to individuals adhering less to ...
However, the decision seems like squaring the circle for opponents and proponents of mass surveillance alike. For decades, ...
After the major shift in surveillance practices from state power and control to big tech corporations and monetisation, we are currently witnessing yet another Zeitenwende: Surveillance practices as a ...
Dass UniCredit (Mailand) eine 9%ige Beteiligung an der Commerzbank (Frankfurt) erwirbt, wird in Deutschland als „Gefahr für ...
This week, Verfassungsblog all eyes were on EYES EVERYWHERE, our Focus symposium on state and private mass surveillance under ...
After the major shift in surveillance practices from state power and control to big tech corporations and monetisation, we ...
Nowadays, data is mostly collected not by state actors but by businesses. To make use of the data amassed by these companies, law enforcement authorities often oblige them to hand over their records.
On 7 November 2024, the CJEU provided clarifications for building a cohesive EU-wide framework for compensating crime victims ...