The company plans to initiate detailed soil sampling, geological mapping and prospecting on the Arlington Gold Property.
Evergold kicked off an initial three-hole drill program at its 28-sq.-km DEM property last year. The company is earning up to ...
On August 4, 2014 a breach at Imperial Metals’ Mount Polley mine sent the equivalent of 2,000 Olympic swimming pools of ...
An eight-day sea kayak expedition exploring the islands of BC’s Great Bear Rainforest takes paddlers into a wild and ...
A cracked pipe in one of the coolers led to the shutdown of one of four main engines on the Spirit of British Columbia.
We use cookies to improve your website experience and to analyse our traffic. We also share non-personally identifiable information about your use of our site with our analytics partners. By ...
The electricity company BC Hydro, owned by the west coast province of British Columbia, awarded 30-year purchase agreements ...
Flair Airlines will have up to five daily flights between Vancouver and Calgary next summer, and Edmonton and Abbotsford will ...
This German carwash actually spruiks holidays to Canada. Hopefully, it also gets the bird shit off the bonnet.
The police watchdog in British Columbia is looking into the in-custody death of a First Nations man in Prince George in ...
After a restart to the race, Canada's squad of Courtney Sarault, Danaé Blais, Florence Brunelle and Kim Boutin finished atop ...
Environment Canada says the freezing rain comes as a Pacific warm front passes over colder surface air in the B.C. Interior.