Want to stop streaming and buy music you can keep forever? Here are the best places for MP3s and FLAC files. Ty Pendlebury has worked at CNET since 2006. He lives in New York City where he writes ...
Here’s how it works. The best MP3 players deliver exceptional high-resolution sound through advanced, built-in digital-to-analog converters (DACs). These devices do more than simply playing ...
If you need quick transcriptions, it’s a solid and reliable choice. NCH TwelveKeys is a music program designed to assist musicians as they transcribe MP3 to sheet music. The tool works with many ...
Remember those times we all said that we wouldn’t mind it if the iPod was three times as thick but could store a lot more songs and the battery lasted forever? Well, the I-Sore will let us truly ...
Then things got really strange as rumours worked their way into the blogosphere claiming that the Zune MP3 player was merely the first in a family of portable devices, with a gaming variant set to ...