In an unprecedented move, Bandai and Sunrise are teaming with Studio Khara to develop its next mecha series, Mobile Suit ...
The upcoming and bafflingly titled 'Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX' has been announced as a co-production between Studio Khara ...
Building model kits is a cherished hobby for numerous people, offering a gateway to express their creativity and a feeling of gratification after finishing the task. The traditional link between ...
(Bloomberg) -- Bandai Spirits Co., the maker of the popular Gundam action figurines, will raise prices for its beloved model kits for the first time in more than 40 years. Rising inflation has made it ...
India has had orange, red, and fluorescent green training kits before, but the new kit for Australia tour that BCCI and Adidas kept under wraps was light grey. When there is Team India ...
SAINTS have unveiled their new kits for 2025 - with the club's badge taking a central position in both designs. The club crest has been transformed into a "futuristic holographic style" using a new ...
The UK's military pooches have been pictured wearing goggles and vests which they received as part of a £3.1m Ministry of Defence contract aimed at keeping them safe and well-trained. The UK's ...
Times have certainly changed, and for the better! Advertisement Today, there is a plethora of prepackaged keep-at-home kits to help prep a young person for their menstrual milestone. I ordered 10 ...
When ZZ Top emerged in 1969 with a single mission to reinvent the Texas rock and blues scene, they delivered on their promise. Spearheaded by leader Billy Gibbons, ZZ Top would take the musician’s ...
If you like crafty projects and tinkering with mechanical parts, building models kits is probably one of your hobbies. It’s satisfying to work with your hands on a model kit, plus you get to ...