The Hidden Ones, based on the popular manga and anime 'Hitori no Shita - the outcast,' is set in a mythical world rooted in ancient Eastern myths and philosophies such as Taoism and Yin Yang. Players ...
"It's me, Blue Dragon~" In November, the season of the ever-changing Blue Dragon has come. In the eventful year of ...
The veteran is not dead. And even the flirty newcomers showed off their skills. The reason why audiences can't help but love ...
Li placed the Yang necklace around Mulan's neck while Zhou gave the Yin necklace to Shang, so they may become like sun and rain as they build their future together and be in balance with their ...
As we prepare to enter the Year of the Snake, it’s time to explore what 2025 has in store for those born under the sign of ...
If you were born under the sign of the 🐅, this 2025 Tiger horoscope is written just for you. Together, let’s explore what ...
What are the best dragon games? Since long before the days of DnD, and before Tolkien became the poster boy of fantasy, dragons have been the most fearsome and majestic creatures of myth.
Former Senator Antonio Trillanes IV on Wednesday believes that the past administration’s drug war was only used to protect then presidential adviser Michael Yang and other alleged drug personalities. ...