Spring frosts can decimate early blossom - see simple ways to protect fruit trees from frost in winter and spring ...
Wherever you live, growing citrus in large containers is a great option. This way, you can move your trees to protected areas ...
Therein lies the secret to getting an avocado tree to fruit: bright light, warmth and humidity. In cooler regions, therefore, ...
We planted what we thought was a lime tree around 10 years ago. Now we have a 20-foot-tall, nicely shaped tree bearing an ...
Establishing fruit trees in Texas takes some effort, but these time-tested tips from a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service ...
Check out the Brevard Tropical Fruit Club to learn more about the club and to keep informed about the plant sale scheduled ...
While it's too early to tell if the Bay Area will experience a wetter- or drier-than-average winter, December typically ...