In the early 1800s, a Russian naval officer pored over his maps. A pesky question plagued him: Why was Russia no longer a ...
Designated as COWECP5, the asteroid burned up in the atmosphere as it streaked across the Eastern Siberia sky around 11:14 a.m. ET on Tuesday.
Susan Gaunt Stearns, associate professor of history, has published "Empire of Commerce: The Closing of the Mississippi and ...
Through advanced autonomy testbed programs, NASA is setting the groundwork for one of its top priorities—the search for signs ...
September 2025 - 9 days for £3,899 Why would a rational science magazine delve into a religious practice? Because pilgrimages ...
There are probably easier ways to set a world record, but Rudiger Koch has found his method 11 meters (36 feet) under the sea ...
A research team led by the University of Liverpool has found that the North Atlantic Ocean has a memory of approximately one ...
Engineers at the University of South Australia have taken a page from the days of wooden sailing ships and developed a way ...
Nearly 40 years after Voyager 2's journey, NASA plans to revisit Uranus to explore its moons for hidden liquid water oceans, ...