The series, hosted by Julian Shapiro-Barnum and created by Shapiro-Barnum, Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, has amassed 75 million views across social platforms ...
A national education organization has filed a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Education, accusing Public Schools of racial discrimination regarding its teaching staff. Parents ...
Gary Bloom, author and former Superintendent of Santa Cruz City Schools, explores how Blended Coaching is transforming principal supervision by fostering leadership growth and addressing challenges ...
NEF Resource Store receives $1,000 as part of CBS News Texas' 11 Days of Giving 01:59. FORT WORTH — As the season of giving is underway, CBS News Texas has teamed up with Tom Th ...
Gov. Gavin Newsom taps appointees to California education panels. Gov. Gavin Newsom on Tuesday announced the following appointment ...
The number of school employees being assaulted on the job is rising in Texas. More than 2,600 assaults on educators were reported last school year, according to data from the Texas Education ...
STARKVILLE, Miss.—Mississippi State’s College of Forest Resources recently honored faculty and staff for their contributions ...
Educators are trying out social media app Bluesky for building and maintaining their professional learning networks.
A 2022 study conducted by the American Psychological Association found 56% of teachers reported incidents of physical ...
Fewer than 50% of New York City elementary and middle schoolers scored proficient in the most recent state reading tests.
The client ended up being Joy Klein, who told Costanza to take a trip to Treasures 4 Teachers. "I was able to go there and pretty much fill the back of my SUV for $100," Costanza said. "It's an ...