Mother Teresa of Saint Augustine and her 15 companions, who were guillotined in Paris as they sang hymns of praise, can immediately be venerated worldwide as saints in the Catholic Church.
It’s not the metal band that gives the ring its worth. The value comes from the diamond the ring holds. In the same way, it’s not the strength or size of our faith that saves us.
For Marcos Witt, writing Christmas music is about more than capturing seasonal sentimentality or warm memories. It’s about ...
Francis’ vision for a ‘synodal’ church is one built on trust and relationships − a dance where partners work together.
On Christmas Eve in 1741, Moravian settlers named this Pennsylvania city after the biblical birthplace of Jesus. Nearly 300 ...
Tickets were exclusively distributed to Eucharistic Congress delegates, asking them to invite guests who were unchurched, agnostic, atheist or who had drifted from the Catholic faith.
The O Antiphons are much more than simple refrains to be chanted before Our Lady’s Magnifcat or to serve as verses in an ...