The first trailer for James Gunn's "Superman" introduces the bold new DC Universe, and with it, a number of its powerful ...
The new six-issue Secret Six miniseries will star three classic team members: Catman, Deadshot, and Black Alice — and three ...
As the DCU prepares to bring Krypto the Superdog to the silver screen, it's time to take a look at his curious comic book history.
Superman's teaser trailer - you can watch it here - opens with a shot of a beaten and bloodied Man of Tomorrow calling out to ...
The other major superhero cameo in the Superman teaser trailer – so important it warrants its own entry – is the debut of ...
Actor Wendell Pierce shares the first look at the DCU's Perry White, who will debut in James Gunn's Superman movie releasing ...
The first trailer for writer-director James Gunn’s “Superman,” which premiered on Thursday morning, marks the official debut ...
The first trailer for writer-director James Gunn’s “Superman,” which premiered on Thursday morning, marks the official debut ...
Meanwhile, even more Batman movies are on the horizon courtesy of James Gunn, the DCU visionary whose Superman film trailer ...
Jesse Eisenberg reflects on his role as Lex Luthor in 2016's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, admitting that the DCEU ...