World-renowned French musical duo Daft Punk's 2003 “Animated House Musical,” Interstella 5555, is their 61-minute 2001 album ...
Plenty of great anime have had female leads over the years. These titles boast some of the most interesting you'll encounter.
Youth Emergency Shelter & Supports (YESS) is hosting an anime drawing contest through Dec. 30. Submissions must include a ...
The teen Inkspill program from the library’s University City Regional branch lets young writers share personal stories ...
Some anime are extremely wholesome and will put a smile on any viewer's face. Here are the best feel-good series.
🌟 Explore a Free RESTful API for Anime Quotes, Facts, Emotes, Gifs, and More! Dive into the world of anime content with ease. Perfect for enthusiasts and developers alike! 🍃 ...
Symptoms of autism in girls may include having strong attachments ... They also suggest that females may be more likely to show fascination with random objects, such as stickers or pens, and ...
To break the tie, the winner will be chosen in a random draw — a selection process stipulated in the Nova Scotia Municipal Elections Act. Hennick says electors have told her they feel that choosing ...
My Hero Academia will be hitting shelves in Japan with the final volume of the manga series on December 4th, and to celebrate has revealed the cover art for this 42nd volume of the manga series ...
A 17-year-old who is not allowed to speak in public in her own country has won a prestigious international award for advocating for the rights of Afghan girls. Nila Ibrahimi won the International ...
Nigerian artist Fola David says he hasn't been the same since he created the world's largest drawing. At 1,004.7 square metres — or nearly as big as four tennis courts — Unity in Diversity is ...