This year marks the 20th anniversary of the animated film, The Polar Express, and the train arrives for the first time with ...
Based on the classic 1985 children’s book by Chris Van Allsburg, the movie follows a young Santa Claus skeptic on a magical ...
The Polar Express is magically recreated in this Colorado mountain town — complete with snow and a visit from Santa.
Here is everything to expect from the Christmas celebrations on the Polar Express that is inspired by the popular holiday-themed story.
The festive train passed through Gorgie on Saturday, November 30, and Sunday, December 1, as many watched on from the comfort ...
The Arbutus Volunteer Fire Department has had a train garden display in its multifunction room for almost 30 years. Its train ...
Lionel trains turns 125, celebrating more than a century of holiday magic. From historic models to smartphone-controlled ...
As the engine pulls into Euston station's bright lights, the voice of Van Allsburg, the author of The Polar Express, ends the journey by reminding us to "remember the thing about trains ...
The perfect story for a rail fan during the holidays, The Polar Expressâ„¢ engine was inspired by the Pere Marquette No. 1225, a still extant locomotive currently located in Michigan. No. 1225 was ...
The magical journey begins at nightfall at the Durango Depot, where travelers anxiously wait for the powerful steam engine to chug ... out a reading from The Polar Express book.
AMORY – Amory Main Street invites people to a family-friendly event Dec. 6 at Frisco Park capped off with a screening of the ...