Say goodbye to clogs with these efficient wastewater treatment ideas using just paint cans and PVC pipes! This easy DIY ...
Astonishingly, they were able to recover 91% hexametaphosphate and 82% guanidinium after dissolving the plastic in salt water. Soil tests revealed complete degradation of the new plastic over ten days ...
Now, a study published in Chemosphere, which was led by researchers at Toxic-Free Future and the Amsterdam Institute for Life and Environment at Vrije Universiteit, gives even more reason to ...
Millions of tons of plastic end up in Earth’s water bodies every year, and less than 10 percent of the world’s annual plastic production is recycled, according to the World Health Organization.
That’s the alarming message from a new study published in the journal Chemosphere. Cooking with any plastic utensil has long been seen as worrisome because heat can cause chemicals in the ...
“The hot oils and acids act as more effective leaching agents than hot water,” he explained via email. Though coffee machines, which typically contain black plastic, were not included in ...
The moment of truth is almost upon us. In just ten days, the world will gather in Busan, Republic of Korea, to begin the final round of negotiations on a legally binding instrument to end plastic ...
Meanwhile, plastic pollution could nearly double, reaching 121 million metric tons, according to the study. In such a business-as-usual scenario, the world would amass sufficient waste between ...
UC Santa Barbara researchers and their colleagues estimate that without intervention, plastic pollution is on track to double by 2050. But in a study published in the journal Science, these same ...
Four global policies could eliminate more than 90% of plastic waste and 30% of linked carbon emissions by 2050 Date: November 14, 2024 Source: University of California - Santa Barbara Summary: A ...
Research has found that black plastic kitchen utensils and takeout containers can contain 'concerning' levels of toxic chemicals You can save this article by registering for free here. Or sign-in ...
A study released in Science determines that just four policies can reduce mismanaged plastic waste—plastic that isn't recycled or properly disposed of and ends up as pollution—by 91% and ...