Amid the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, tensions between the military alliance, which supports Kyiv in its defense efforts, and the Kremlin have continued.
A view of the General Assembly Hall during the "Summit of the Future" at United Nations Headquarters in New York City, U.S., ...
Europe Is Waking Up Belousov might have also pointed out that Sweden, a country with more than 200 years of military neutrality, officially joined NATO in 2024. Similarly, Finland, which had adhered ...
In 2023, the University of Toronto Press published the fifth edition of Differences That Count, to which we contributed a chapter entitled “Together and Apart: Canada and the United States and the ...
NATO’s secretary-general says he wants to discuss ways to put Ukraine in a position of strength for any future peace talks ...
A top Russian general accused by Ukraine of being responsible for the use of chemical weapons against Ukrainian troops was ...
China-North Korea relations have significantly cooled this year as U.S. president-elect Donald Trump prepares to return to ...
Will Donald Trump's return to the White House lead to an unraveling of the security ties that the United States has ...
On August 23rd, 1989, an estimated two million citizens from the countries of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania linked arms to form a human chain spanning the ...
The Financial Times reports that European members of Nato are holding talks about increasing the alliance's spending target ...
This article explores the challenges facing Ukraine as Russia intensifies its offensive, while NATO grapples with internal divisions and the possibility of future peace talks.
In this week's newsletter, NATO's perspective on the winter war in Ukraine and its efforts to counter the growing hybrid ...