Please ditch the Q-tips and stick with safer methods of cleaning your ears. Here’s everything you need to know.
Caitlyn Mai woke up one morning in middle school so dizzy she couldn’t stand and deaf in one ear, the result of an infection ...
Check out our picks for the best earplugs for sleeping below. Earplugs cover the ear canal instead of fitting inside, and failing to use them as directed could lodge them in your ear canal&nbsp ...
Ludwig van Beethoven began to lose his hearing at age 28 and was deaf by age 44. While the cause of his hearing loss remains a topic of scientific debate and ongoing revision, one thing is clear: ...
"Earplugs might not sound like a big environmental problem." Startup uses mushrooms for unlikely hearing aid component — here ...
If you want to purchase a pair of earphones, headphones, or even a headset, here is a list of models priced under Rs. 1,000 that are currently available to buy in India. The list has been sorted by ...