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The morning cup of coffee has been with us for centuries, yet it still stirs controversy. Nutritionist Ewa Trusewicz explains ...
To remove the phlegm accumulated in the chest, consume lemon-black pepper, steam, turmeric milk, and decoction. This will ...
Whether you’re hosting a Hanukkah celebration or simply hoping not to show up empty-handed to someone else’s, it’s a good ...
These healthy and filling breakfasts have enough protein and fiber to help keep you satisfied until your lunch break.
Endoscopy prep involves fasting with an upper GI test and emptying your bowels for a colonoscopy. Learn about the basic prep ...
It seems many experts have differing opinions about what vitamins and minerals we need, and which ones complement each other.
A tough legal precedent had kept his clients from their day in court, so Greg Belzley decided there was only one thing to do ...
Legendary British musician Elton John has sold more than 300 million records. Read about his age, songs, net worth, husband, ...
Prunes, which are dried plums, are naturally sweet and chewy without any added sugar. Besides being a tasty snack, they are ...
The Spot Restaurant in Sidney, Ohio, is a presidential hotspot and a 1950s-style diner offering classic meals and a nostalgic ...
The Spot Restaurant in Sidney, Ohio, is an old-school diner serving a classic tenderloin that locals rave about. It’s a ...