For the comic-book-illiterate, Kraven The Hunter, created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko in 1964, is a Spider-Man antagonist and co-founder of the supervillain gang the Sinister Six (rumour has it ...
Repeat numbers, Friday the 13th, other quirky fun facts Florida, California have won big Powerball jackpots. Are they among Top 10 luckiest states? This date inspired an entire horror movie ...
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 11 (UPI) --September 5, in theaters Friday, takes a specific ... "Sonic the Hedgehog 3" is the No. 1 movie in North America, earning $62 million in receipts, ...
Friday the 13th, is the dreaded day on the calendar to watch out for ladders and black cats and even worse for those that suffer from Triskaidekaphobia, a diagnosis term for those afraid of the ...
Friday the 13th has long been shrouded in mystery, known in Western culture as a magnet for misfortune. If you’re the superstitious type, you might find yourself extra cautious, bracing for a ...