A Bethesda-Chevy Chase Rescue Squad father and daughter worked together to successfully resuscitate the patient before D.C.
When the call comes, Justin Preddy, the Franklin County EMS quality improvement coordinator, knows every second can be ...
A Thomasville man died after being shot multiple times. According to the Thomasville Police Department, a 15-year-old is in ...
Paramedics in all three of Delaware's counties now carry blood, a significant milestone. Here's why that is important.
First responders in northern Colorado will begin using "whole blood" on patients who are experiencing significant blood loss ...
A tree trimmer received a shock from a power line on Red Bone Way on Monday afternoon and remains in critical condition, ...
Whole blood transfusions are now available in two mountain counties; with an expansion to northern Colorado coming soon.
ATLANTA — Trooper Brett Rutledge has spent the last seven years serving with Georgia State Patrol. Family inspired his law ...
What happened the morning of a child's death was the result of a broken EMS system across Massachusetts that means there ...
An ambulance that was stolen from a hospital hit a Memphis Police squad car early Wednesday morning after a chase in the ...
Two men were arrested in the Bronx after 12 kilograms of fentanyl were found near two day care centers, with first responders ...