Can cats and dogs eat turkey and other Thanksgiving foods? Here's what experts say about what is safe and not.
Your dog will beg for anything at that table, but you shouldn't give in. Some foods are harmful to their health. Here is a ...
Even dogs with healthy immune systems suffer some immunosuppression after vaccination. One study examined the diarrhea of ...
Can dogs eat turkey? What about stuffing? How to make sure your holiday meal doesn't end at the animal hospital.
As you prepare your Thanksgiving meal, you may have a friend lingering in the kitchen waiting for a bite, but you need to ...
With the Thanksgiving holiday just days away, spoke with the Lubbock Animal Shelter to discuss what ...
It's Thanksgiving, a special holiday that brings family and friends together, but it also can bring some hazards for pets.
Can cats eat turkey? The short answer is yes. As obligate carnivores, meat should form the majority of a cat's diet. So ...
Thanksgiving meal prep is already underway for many families, meaning four-legged friends are given the opportunity to get a ...