Object of precision The original Delisle thermometer that Celsius marked with his 100-degree scale. (Courtesy: Museum ...
These are “sharp, steep declines,” said Peggy Carr, the commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics, which ...
Presented by LGBT Tech — {beacon} Technology Technology PRESENTED BY The Big Story Meta says harmless content taken down ‘too ...
The surfaces that cells come into contact with can influence how the cells grow, function, and communicate—shaping metabolism ...
Newfangled Audio's Obliterate started life as a conventional filter before a bug in the code caused some unique-sounding ...
Where do you see patterns in chaos? It has been proven, in the incredibly tiny quantum realm, by an international team co-led ...
Italy's tax system is skewed in a way that lets society's wealthiest 7% pay proportionately less tax than low and ...
Fifty years ago, Italy's top income tax rate, applied on the very highest earners, stood at 72%. As a result of these ...
With welding such an important driver of ship construction, innovations in welding technology hold the potential to ...
A network of sensors has begun providing what may be the first collection of utility customer readings of one critical ...
In one of these rooms, Marvel Jem Roth, a composer and first-year Princeton student, settles naturally on the piano bench to ...