A more holistic approach to assessment is needed – one that reflects the linguistic and cultural diversity of EAL learners.
The last time the curriculum was reviewed was over 10 years ago, so it’s timely to refresh our curriculum and assessment ...
The Curriculum and Assessment review represents an opportunity to shape a modern education system write Hilary Leevers ...
After union officials voiced concerns, NYC is vowing to give teachers more flexibility over implementing new reading ...
Currently, only 20 per cent of secondary schools are required to follow the national curriculum, but with the government’s review set to expand this mandate to all state schools, we’re on the brink of ...
Primary school children are being taught the building blocks of language via a method that has had proven success overseas.
When students are involved in their assessment, they’re empowered to become more self-directed learners. They take ownership of the learning process and become more independent problem solvers and ...
How do you convince students — and teachers — that they actually can be a “math person”? Curriculum expert Phonisha Hawkins ...
Bringing together UK and global expertise, the 12th edition of the global language testing and assessment <a target=_blank ...
A new study of thousands of secondary school teachers found a mixed attitude towards the technology, and confusion on AI ...
Food Studies and Systems Engineering, which are studied by more than 5000 students, were among 56 out of 116 exams compromised by a Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) bungle ...