Nikoderiko: The Magical World is a recently released platformer that feels like a combination of Donkey Kong Country and ...
Sony executives have never committed to a single mascot for their PlayStation brand. They flirted with characters like Crash ...
The Precursor Legacy is one of PlayStation's greatest and most defining classics, and now it's free for any PlayStation Plus ...
The Wednesday letters page hopes that The Game Awards 2024 will be a wake up call for Sony, as a reader encourages Naughty Dog to make something fun and colourful.
Sign up for a free Prime subscription to (mostly) forever-score: The Outer Worlds, Quake 2, Space Hulk: Deathwing EE, WH40k: ...
This doesn't necessarily mean the deployments are imminent. In some cases, months have passed between a listing's appearance ...
Though it may not be the first genre to come to mind, the PS4 really did have a killer roster of excellent platformers.
Indiana Jones is a character that needs no introduction. Despite inspiring archaeological epics like Tomb Raider, Unchartered ...
But that's just one game, and once you've rolled the credits, you'll probably be waiting a while for the next one. Thankfully ...
A classic Bethesda game is now available to download and keep for free. However, those interested only have until January 8.
The original PlayStation was never supposed to happen. Sony had intended to team up with Nintendo on a disc-based, next-gen ...
It was supposed to be a sleepy year for the video game industry. Then came surprise hits like Balatro, Animal Well and Astro ...