Casandra Costley thought rectal bleeding, pain was because of a hemorrhoid. She was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer.
Dr El-Modir explained that the cancer can affect any part of your liver, which is found above your stomach on the right side ...
Cancer treatments have come on over recent years but it is still vital to spot it early to have the best chance of beating it ...
You’re not the only one with this poop problem that, sometimes quite literally, won’t go away. (Until you wait a while and ...
Nobody likes to talk about their bowel habits. It’s a “nasty” subject. But if you don’t talk about it, or don’t know what is ...
As millions of Americans have spent the past several days gorging on leftovers, many are feeling the post- Thanksgiving bloat ...
Dr Raj explains further that the action of blowing or mooing is a "gentle form" of something called the "Valsalva manoeuvre".
Dr. Wendi, a California-based board-certified gastroenterologist — or as she says, a legitimate poop doctor — is on hand and ...
Constipation-dominant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS-C) is a chronic digestive condition that causes abdominal pain, bloating, ...
If you’re able to get a closer look at your poop, black BMs due to iron will usually have a greenish tint, says Ashkan ...
Constipation affects 42 million Americans each day, according to Dr. Daryl Gioffre, gut health specialist and celebrity ...