When the Varsity Blues scandal hit in 2019, it rocked American academia in unprecedented ways. Five years later, a Times ...
We hear from Atlantic staffers about the books they read in high school that stuck with them. In an era when fewer young ...
"When it comes to actual ability to be able to read grade-level text, it's shockingly low," said reading tutor Nicki Pratti.
The school district released statements after initially removing the religious text to comply with newly enacted state ...
Nearly 40 years after that mission ended in tragedy, Bleier – herself a Concord High social studies teacher – pressed play ...
If high school students were never taught how to study, they’re going to keep being frustrated by using ineffective studying ...
All high school students are required to take civics, but a lack of money can limit opportunities. And in some communities, ...
Accountability and test-based reforms, pandemic-era disruptions, and larger social and economic pressures have fostered ...
They blamed cell phones, standardized tests, and extracurriculars, and they mostly agreed that the shift began in high school ...
In their new book, " Learning Together ," Elham Kazemi and colleagues suggest school leaders work with teachers to analyze ...
On Sunday, Nov. 24, basketball players from across the Lancaster-Lebanon League and from the Commonwealth Christian Athletic Conference's Lancaster County schools gathered for LNP | Lancaster ...