All over TikTok, users are imitating a tiny elf owl that gave animal care and control expert Mark Hammond serious side eye.
Blue was given a second chance of survival and freedom in her natural environment by the dedication of the staff and ...
What looks to be the ears of a tree-dwelling house cat are not actually ears. These owls have feather tufts coming out of the top of their noggins.
On Friday, November 15, I had the chance to experience the eagerly awaited Owl Prowl at the Morrison Dam Conservation Area near Exeter. Despite the cloudy skies that ...
Running out of ideas for entertaining family visiting for the holidays? The solution may be as simple as looking out your window or taking a short golf cart ride to a preserve or nature trail.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is implementing a divisive plan to save the endangered spotted owl by killing its competitor, the barred owl.
Ben Howard, Wild Turkey in the Rain. Whether you’re an avowed vegan or out hunting a bird for your Thanksgiving table, you can’t escape turkey talk this time of y ...
It only happens very late at night or very early in the morning, but Illinois' owl populations are being anything but quiet ...
In September, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) announced plan to orchestrate the largest raptor slaughter ever ...
I urge you to go find a big oak tree near your home, be grateful it is alive, and imagine what stories it could tell.
By @agoetzfilm - This is how I feel about this week… this barred owl chick had just left the nest the night before, and is now in the "branching," phase of it's young life. During this time, owlets ...
barred owls have become a predominant predator on the Whatcom County landscape, often seen perched atop trees in Bellingham ...