Takeshi Fukunaga’s documentary is an engaging examination of the life and community of a Hokkaido man devoted to his Ainu heritage.
The head of China’s Wanda Film, the Asian market's producer of the year, has a big, multipronged strategy for driving young ...
Shigeru Miyamoto brought peace to the war between video games and movies almost 30 years ago, when Zelda: Ocarina of Time was released.
Japanese head spas are going viral on TikTok, promising the ultimate relaxing experience. I visited The Head Spa in ...
YouTube has introduced a new auto dubbing tool to help creators reach more viewers. The tool can automatically identify the ...
Coincheck Group’s debut on Nasdaq is the second regulated crypto exchange operator to go public since Coinbase's 2021 debut.
Alaska and Hawaiian airlines are adding more flights to the West Coast — which means more jobs — while Honolulu will lose ...
The new location will include a state-of-the-art hibachi experience, according to a press release, along with traditional and ...
Noble Village Group LLC, which owns Noble Fish Sushi & Market and White Wolf Japanese Patisserie on 14 Mile Road east of Main ...
Knightley explained that her daughters Edie, 9, and Delilah, 5, whom she has with husband James Righton, are “very cool right now” watching Japanese movies by Studio Ghibli — which is a welcome change ...
A 92-year-old Japanese man who lived through the American atomic bombing of Nagasaki described on Tuesday the agony he ...