Let’s face it: kids are not smart. That’s fine; they’re not meant to be – they have a lot of growing and learning left to do, ...
Other experts contend that five, six and seven are wrong and ... “Labeling and identifying part of the Earth as a continent, even a small, thin and submerged one, is more informative than ...
Zealandia, Earth’s eighth continent, was mostly lost to the sea. Geologists say they’ve now mapped the entirety of the ...
Forget what you learned in elementary school — The Earth doesn’t have seven continents after all. From a young age, we're ...
The continents are carried by the Earth's tectonic plates like people on ... gliding along almost frictionlessly. Over periods of 5-10 million years, the plates will continue to move at the ...
Another telltale hint that Earth's continents were all one land mass comes ... of other supercontinents in the Precambrian supereon (4.5 billion to 541 million years ago), it appears that ...
David Bressan is a geologist who covers curiosities about Earth. For geologists, a continent is a large area of thick continental crust composed of granite or similar igneous rocks, forming the ...