Dr Síofra Peeren is a trauma survivor and researcher affiliated with the Service User Research Enterprise (SURE), King’s ...
Recovery has been a driver for policy and practice for thirty years but this observational study leaves questions about how ...
KarXT - Nicola Rizzo Pesci and Andrea Cipriani summarise findings from the EMERGENT-2 trial spotlighting a promising new ...
The Red Cross, Mind, St Andrews Healthcare and the NHS. He has worked in frontline crisis services, training, Recovery Colleges, and is currently transitioning to research and lecturing work. His ...
Nicola Rizzo Pesci and Andrea Cipriani summarise findings from the EMERGENT-2 trial spotlighting a promising new drug ...
Hostile environment policy mental health - Briony Tatem on the effect of immigration policy reform on mental health in people ...
Jeremy is an Assistant Psychologist at Waltham Forest Refugee Psychological Therapy Service NELFT NHS. Jeremy’s diverse roles ...
I am a research assistant currently working at the Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health at UCL. I have a background in psychology with a particular interest in child and adolescent mental ...