The Texas Cheerleader Murder Plot delves into a crime that shook the town of Channelview, Texas, in 1991. Wanda Webb Holloway ...
Wanda Holloway made headlines when she was convicted of soliciting the capital murder of another woman. Her shocking motive?
Verna Heath was stunned to discover that Wanda Holloway, the mother of her daughter’s schoolmate, Shanna, had plotted to have ...
Where is Wanda Holloway now? In January 1991 she was arrested and charged with hiring a hit man to kill the mother of her ...
No one killed Verna Heath — but it almost happened. This is known as The Texas Cheerleader Murder Plot. In 1991, Wanda Holloway, the famous "Pom-Pom Mom," supposedly tried to hire a hitman to ...
The Texas cheerleader murder plot in 1991 shocked the nation, revealing a disturbing story of ambition and betrayal in Channelview, Texas.
Wanda Holloway plotted to have Vera Heath murdered after her child Amber made the school cheerleading team, while Wanda's daughter Shanna missed out.
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A photojournalist who captured one of the most enduring images of World War II — the U.S. Marines ...
Wanda Webb Holloway, a 36-year-old mother ... feared for punishing both non-believers and misbehaving children. And ...
In 1991, Wanda Holloway made headlines for allegedly hiring a hitman to kill the mother of her daughter's cheerleading rival. The case shocked the nation and raised questions about the lengths parents ...