Mouth ulcers will usually resolve on their own, but there are some things you can do to help relieve the pain. Dr. Gonchar ...
KAREN Louise Liesching-Schroder was the picture of health. The 52-year-old never smoked, didn’t drink much and was active, ...
WITH Christmas around the corner, don’t let a nasty bug ruin your festive fun. If you are eligible, get winter vaccines as ...
Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is a very common viral infection that predominantly affects children under the age of 5, ...
With an estimated 12,000 people in the UK now being diagnosed with head and neck cancers each year, Cancer Research UK has ...
Medically reviewed by William Truswell, MD Cold sores and pimples are two common skin conditions that primarily affect the ...
Symptoms of angular cheilitis will almost ... It could also lead to oral thrush if it’s not treated appropriately. Mouth sores like cold sores are contagious because they are caused by a virus.
Tumours around the mouth, nose and throat are becoming more common, as one expert raised the alarm over its earliest warning ...
His top symptom to watch out for is a persistent sore throat that lasts more than two weeks, reports Gloucestershire Live.
For puppies with mild discomfort from teething, there are some standard things you can try to help soothe the gums: ...
His top symptoms to keep an eye on is a persistent sore throat that lasts more than two weeks. Having sore gums or painful teeth and developing ulcers or white or red patches around your mouth can ...