The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass follows the adventures of Link and Tetra, the leader of a band of pirates, as they discover a ghost ship in dense fog. The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass ...
With three major splits and branching paths from them, the Zelda timeline can get messy - let us iron out the Legend of Zelda ...
The Zelda timeline is something that has caused ... to find a brand new kingdom at the end of the last game, and in Phantom Hourglass, the pair are unfortunately shipwrecked and then trouble ...
Throughout 2023, in honor of the magnificent Tears of the Kingdom, Polygon celebrated Nintendo’s Legend of Zelda series ... cut-and-paste premises: it’s Phantom Hourglass but with a train ...
Zelda: Spirit Tracks is celebrating its 15th birthday this year, and although it was quite a divisive title, we can’t help but go back for more.
The Legend of Zelda game series has featured some gorgeous vistas throughout the years, and the following stand out as the most picturesque. The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom After Echoes of ...
Featuring intuitive touch-screen controls and innovative puzzles, The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass offers new challenges for fans of the series and an easy-to-grasp introduction for gamers new ...
Long considered the black sheep of the Legend of Zelda games, The Adventure of Link was a harder ... cut-and-paste premises: it’s Phantom Hourglass but with a train instead of a boat. Like its ...
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass follows the adventures of Link and Tetra, the leader of a band of pirates, as they discover a ghost ship in dense fog.