"Flores Astrais" contém uma letra curtíssima, formada por apenas cinco linhas, e com um refrão que é repetido inúmeras vezes.
Um novo estudo publicado no Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, no início de novembro, revela que o Telescópio James Webb identificou a existência de buracos negros supermassivos, criado h ...
“The assumption that dark matter and regular matter originated in the same event, the Big Bang, is natural, given its ...
A team of researchers has proposed an innovative model suggesting that dark matter might have originated before the Big Bang.
A new effort to map the rumblings in spacetime caused by enormous black hole collisions paints a surprisingly loud and ...
Slowly repeating bursts of intense radio waves from space have puzzled astronomers since they were discovered in 2022.