The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles action figures debuted in stores in 1988. Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo are four sewer-dwelling crime fighters with a love for pizza. Playmates ...
Following its release in October, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants Unleashed has received a new update. It adds a new colour blind mode with three options and also "responds to fan demand ...
In a CBR exclusive preview of next week's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #5, discover which legendary Turtles foes make their ...
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise has been captivating audiences for four decades. Each generation has grown up with different iterations of the characters across mixed media, including ...
Strange Scaffold Reveals their next game, Tactical Takedown, a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle turn-based strategy game.
Turn right after entering it and head towards the furthest door. You'll encounter a sewer entrance blocked by wooden planks. Use your knife to break it and climb down to enter the ventilation shaft.