Classic shonen anime tropes endure as beloved staples when creators add fresh, innovative twists to keep them engaging and ...
Despite receiving a well-earned retirement following My Hero Academia’s manga conclusion, the mangaka isn’t resting when it ...
The My Hero Academia PLUS ULTRA poll results are in with one lucky character being immortalized with a bronze statue.
Over the years, Luffy has debuted many forms which he calls 'Gears', so let's break down each of them and see why they're so ...
While Kagurabachi was treated as a bit of a joke in the west last year, it's seemingly been popular enough to get an anime ...
A new My Hero Academia short story will be adapted into anime and included in the My Hero Academia: You're Next movie BD/DVD ...
Some battle shonen anime stick to the old-school format, such as My Hero Academia, while others fearlessly go off the beaten ...