This magical tale about friendship and family follows a kind witch who invites a surprising collection of animals to join her on her broom. From the producers of 'The Gruffalo' and 'The Gruffalo's ...
A particular highlight came in the form of the collaborative joining of the animal companions to combat the dragon by forming the swamp monster. Tall Stories’ Room on the Broom presents a ...
just as the hungry dragon appears! Will there ever be room on the broom for everyone? With enchanting puppetry, sing-a-long songs and hilarious fun, ‘Room on the Broom' is an ideal summer family ...
This magical tale about friendship and family follows a kind witch who invites a surprising collection of animals to join her on her broom. From the producers of 'The Gruffalo' and 'The Gruffalo's ...
The story of a kind witch who invites a collection of animals to join her on her broom in this animation voiced by Gillian Anderson and Rob Brydon. We’re sorry, the ...