Any plant may become unwanted. Siberian elm, hackberry and redcedar trees sprout up all over my landscape. In some instances, these may be desirable trees. The majority of mine are weeds and removal ...
Some time ago Eversource took down a whole row of flowering trees on Jarves Street because they were interfering with the ...
In 2019, a Bradford Pear Bounty program was launched to encourage members of the public to remove these troublesome trees ...
When considering small backyard ideas there are plenty of plants to choose from; whether trees and bushes, shrubs, climbers, ...
As a former gardener, I have planted, grown and cared for many trees in gardens across the UK and Italy. I have seen ...
The flowering pear tree is self-incompatible ... BioScience. 57(11):956-964. Pyrus calleryana. 2015. University of Connecticut: College of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources; [accessed 2019 ...