Little Soda Lake’s abrupt decline and eye-catching color are being investigated by state and federal authorities.
Zachary Crum looked like a member of the Ghostbusters as he sloshed through San Luis Obispo Creek wearing an electrofisher ...
The 2025 Bob Hawke Landcare Award is a prestigious national award that publicly recognises an individual, group or ...
It was about 50 years ago that some fisheries in the freshwater areas of Virginia were ... “The blue catfish are omnivores ...
"Using shelter belts, we can reduce evaporation through decreasing wind speeds and provide shade for the livestock ... of the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF).
Overfishing is a problem because it decreases food supply ... Female river dolphins are more attracted to males that are a brighter shade of pink. To impress the females, male river dolphins smack the ...
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[email protected]. Trevor Moodley caught his first shad of the season at Umtentweni last Sunday.
The study highlights the need to integrate research with fisheries management practices to ensure the sustainability of sport ...
NMFS and the corps developed the juvenile fish transportation program that moves smolts in barges from Lower Granite, Little ...