Back in 1993, the dynamic action star duo of Sylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes caused chaos on screen in the satirical sci-fi blockbuster “Demolition Man: Limited Edition,” now available for the ...
Without a doubt, nothing and no one can replace the magic of agents Dana Scully and Fox Mulder, the main characters of the ...
EJ Moreno looks at seven overlooked sci-fi horror movies you have to see… Get ready to add a gang of fantastic sci-fi horror films to your watchlist as we explore the sub-genre’s hidden gems that keep ...
One of Cillian Murphy's earliest hits was a horror classic that's nearly impossible to watch right now (although that'll be ...
One of the most iconic spots is Tawa Point, where you can gaze out over the Painted Desert in all its Technicolor glory. It’s ...
New sci-fi comedy My Old Ass revolves around Elliott (Maisy Stella), a teenage girl who goes on a drug trip and encounters a ...
Bob Dylan, ever elusive, has starred in or inspired numerous movies. Here are five to watch before the arrival of 'A Complete ...