Rithy Panh's new movie 'Meeting with Pol Pot' trailer follows the journalists who met Cambodia's most infamous leader.
"We are so lucky to visit this country at a key moment of its history" Strand Releasing has unveiled the official trailer for ...
Though best known as a documentarian, Panh’s latest work, “Meeting with Pol Pot,” is a fictionalized story that examines the Khmer Rouge from the point of view of journalists covering the war.
It’s been turned into a haunting thriller: Rendezvous avec Pol Pot is the original French title. Until recently I feared the ...
More than 100 schools across Cambodia continue to face the challenge of local residents living on their campuses, according ...
Fifty years ago Nov. 7, more or less, because her birthday was given by the Canadian adoption agency in Phnom Penh in the dark days of the Khmer Rouge assault on the ... any war orphans out before the ...