The Orthodox rabbi is discussing the Jewish conception of peace, which for Christians is one of the central promises of ...
The center of Jewish life is the Jewish home, not the synagogue prayers. Mindless prayer is no prayer, but neither is thought ...
The media, especially social media, always looks for simple answers when it comes to the war in Ukraine. There are four main misconceptions about the ...
"I put my head in my hands and started to cry. We had never gotten too in-depth about the religions of our families — and now ...
Jackson anti-development activist Elenor Hannum, has been publicly labeled an “anti-Semite." She says she's trying to save ...
The Russian Orthodox Church is involved in mobilizing soldiers through the "Time of Heroes" program and encourages moving to ...
He’d grown up in an Orthodox ... couple of months. True to Buchdahl’s observation about converts making their spouses more Jewish, in my second marriage I had been the one to insure that ...
Russia has jailed dozens of Ukrainian faith leaders in occupied areas, according to Ukrainian prosecutors. After threatening ...
The Russian Orthodox Church is involved in mobilizing soldiers, participating in the "Time of Heroes" program, and ...
"She's a true ... religion, political affiliation or socioeconomic statuses." But after the Jackson Township Council banned the construction of schools, dormitories and other features of Orthodox ...
It was difficult for people whose loved ones are fighting for us, to hear during a sermon that Russia isn't at war with us.
Orthodox Christianity and Islam emerged as much bigger geopolitical threats than Judaism to Catholic western Europe. Judaism receded to the periphery of monotheistic West Eurasia (to use the sensible ...