They offer long-term, reliable protection and are widely used in residential and commercial buildings. Active Fire Protection Systems: The fastest-growing segment, active fire protection systems, ...
A new 71-page report stemming from a federal investigation of a fatal assisted living community fire has recommendations for fire departments and municipalities that could affect senior living ...
A cluster of 10 historic, low-income apartment buildings located within a quarter-mile of each other on Buffalo's Lower West ...
Fire protection engineering and consulting is a high margin, recurring service that is a natural cross-sell with NV5’s existing mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and technology design services,” said ...
It's a story that has seemingly become commonplace around the country with shootings happening in our schools.
Electrical Wire Colors The electrical aisle at the local home improvement center can be overwhelming, even for an experienced ...
Focusing on care areas like patient rooms, provider workspaces and respite rooms can support more future-focused healthcare ...
Data centers, in the plainest terms, are nothing more than buildings ... and backup systems, with air conditioning and water cooling and fire suppression systems, and physical security measures wired ...
Commonwealth Fusion Systems (CFS) plans to build the world's first commercial fusion energy power plant in Virginia.
The Lafayette County Board of Supervisors approved new countywide fire inspection fees for commercial buildings. The county ...
Video doorbells aren't just convenient, they are quickly becoming an essential product for any home or apartment. They will monitor your front when you're away and even communicate with people ...
Following the unsuccessful sale of the Morgan Community Center to Trimble County Fiscal Court this past year, owner Bedford ...