The O Antiphons are much more than simple refrains to be chanted before Our Lady’s Magnifcat or to serve as verses in an ...
Healing is not linear or categorizable but is an obscure odyssey of the soul that meanders, stagnates, and has ups and downs. It warps time, intertwining our past and present, perspectives, ...
Homework: What will you revive, rejuvenate, and renovate in 2025? ARIES (March 21-April 19) ...
If we’re feeling burdened or dispirited, we can count on God, divine Life itself, for fresh hope, healing, and progress.
Orpheus, the son of god of music Apollo and muse Calliope, was the greatest bard, mystic, and prophet in ancient Greek mythology ...
“Scrooge: A Christmas Carol” is a timeless story, she said. To make the production top-notch, she said they needed the right ...
A healing herb—otherwise known as a medicinal plant—is either collected from the wild or intentionally grown and used for a wide range of benefits. Some are traditionally used to reduce stress, ...
We glorify, praise, hymn, and magnify Thee as our Lord, Master, and Benefactor. We bow down before Thee in Thanksgiving for Thy immeasurable and priceless loving-kindness. We pray that in the same way ...
I found myself humming a familiar Thanksgiving hymn that I have sung through the ... I invite us to find some way to bring hope and healing right where we are. My prayers are tender toward those ...
On Monday, November 18, the Chancellor of the National Archdiocese, His Grace Bishop Nektarios of Diokleia, offered a Synaxis discussion with the seminarians and students at the Maliotis Cultural ...
Seven days after the beginning of the Nativity Fast, this Feast marks the first time we hear the Katavasies (Greek: καταβασίες) hymns of Christmas beginning with “Christ is born; glorify Him!” The ...