Learn how to sell a community-based business with 8 proven steps from founders who sold for 7-figures. Get practical tips on ...
We are almost at the end of 2024, and many of us are looking to the New Year as a chance for a much-needed fresh start. Now ...
Resume writing is hard. When you sit down to create it, you struggle. You wonder what is the employer is hoping to see that ...
LinkedIn offers benefits for paying for its Premium features, but are they really worth it? We took a look at the new AI ...
AI is a powerful tool that can help us compose documents more quickly and assist with editing and proofreading.
Years ago, jobseekers would mail resumes to potential employers or stop by to drop them off in person. They’d rely on a unique format or high-quality paper to "wow" a ...
In today’s fiercely competitive job market, standing out has never been more challenging. Every step of the job search ...
A 28-year-old spent months applying for jobs before using AI to speed up the process.
You also get an 8% yearly increase if you delay or suspend receiving benefits. “That's on top of your increase from your ...
Avoid pronouns like “I,” “me,” or “she.” Begin each section with a verb. You aren’t telling a story. Never go longer than two ...
Before you send it, there are a few more things you need to do: And that's it! Your cover letter is ready to go! Good luck! As well as keeping your cover letter to one page, make some simple ...
Call 937-229-2045 to schedule an appointment with a Career Advisor. Resume Template- Refer to this outline to begin composing your resume. ResumeAI (Big Interview)- The ResumeAI feature within Big ...