The show followed the same plot and sequence as the original film from 1939. The elementary-school cast members were featured as Munchkins and Winkies, alongside many local professional and IU theater ...
Jessica Molaskey: A Good Day (Center Stage Records) - Digital March 8 Jessica Molaskey: Make Believe (Center Stage Records) - Digital March 8 Jessica Molaskey: Sitting in Limbo (Center Stage ...
The sensitive Onnoval is the best student in his class and he loves Liselore, who was the girlfriend of the bully Gino. His teacher Meester de Vriend believes he is a promising writer and poet.
A teenage girl is caught petting with the bus driver during an outing. The school's parent council discusses her punishment. One parent, a psychologist, suggests that her behavior is not abnormal ...
Educating information professionals to provide leadership for an information-driven world. A new study led by Professor David Bamman used facial recognition technology to track the amount of time ...