Certain foods may encourage and improve sleep. This article explores foods and nutrients that may help you sleep.
Potassium is a common alternative to sodium in salt. But it also has significant downsides in terms of health.
After a night of drinking, greasy or sugary foods can leave us feeling worse. Experts suggest delicious, nutritious ...
What can you do to take care of yourself if you know you’ll be drinking or find you’ve had a few too many? Here are six ways ...
A bill introduced in the Arkansas Legislature would prohibit food containing one of three specific chemicals from being sold in the state.
Fish delivers protein, and when you choose a fatty fish like tuna, salmon or trout, you're also getting omega-3 fatty acids.
Ideally, Brown says, it’s best to prepare for a workout by hydrating with water or an electrolyte beverage in advance as well as by eating foods with electrolytes, such as fruits, vegetables ...
The ABA’s Genn noted one change on whole grains in the DGAC report in that it recommended that grains consumed are “mostly ...