The United States is home to a stunning diversity of landscapes, some so surreal they seem to have been plucked from a ...
We know less about the bottom of the Great Lakes than we do about the surface of Mars, according to Jennifer Boehme.
To whom should we have allegiance—the version of ourself making choices, or the version of ourself who will be affected by ...
A chilling map has revealed the best and worst US states to live in during a nuclear apocalypse, with Vermont the safest and ...
Only 15% of the lakebed has been documented to modern standards, making it difficult to predict how floods, storms and ...
Photographer Mark McLennan captures the intimate details of the American West in his new photography book 'No Fences' ...
Caltech researchers introduce a new seismic technology called distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) to study earthquakes and ...
Buying your first iPad or upgrading an older one? We break down the differences between each and give some insight for those ...
New research from the University of Arkansas' Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station indicated that there is a trend of ...
Despite a decade-long fight, permits for a reroute threaten Wisconsin’s Bad River watershed and treaty rights.
In a matter of three days, the buffalo has been hunted, processed and cooked for the Indigenous People’s Day feast. The feast ...
New York-based Near Space Labs has launched a new fleet of balloon-borne zero-emission robots to keep a supersharp eye on ...